
Futuristic laptop displaying holographic SEO analytics, symbolizing advanced SEO audit and strategy planning.

SEO Audit

Rigorously Assessing and Refining Your Site’s Search Optimization and User Interface

What is an SEO Audit for Purpose-Driven Entities?

An SEO audit is a comprehensive evaluation of your website’s performance in search engines, with a special focus on how well your digital presence aligns with your mission and values.

It involves analyzing various aspects of your website, including technical SEO, content, user experience, and accessibility, to identify areas for improvement and opportunities to better convey your message.

SEO professional analyzing audit reports on a laptop screen, with graphs and pie charts illustrating website performance metrics
A black board with chalk written "Why""Who""When""What""Where"and "How" as indicators of user intent in crafting keyword research strategy

Why SEO Audits Matter for Purpose-Driven Entities?

SEO Audits are crucial for purpose-driven entities because they provide insights into how effectively your website communicates and engages with your target audience.

They help ensure that your digital presence reaches and resonates with the right people, amplifying your mission and impact.

How Can I Help Brands with SEO Audits?

Tailored Analysis: I provide a customized SEO Audit that goes beyond standard metrics, focusing on aspects that matter most to purpose-driven entities.

Mission-Aligned Strategies: My audits are designed to ensure that your SEO strategies resonate with your organizational ethos and help in furthering your cause.

In-Depth Reporting: You receive detailed reports that not only highlight areas of improvement but also offer actionable insights for aligning your website with your mission.

Detailed SEO report showcasing URL clicks, impressions, average position, and click-through rates by device category, with highlighted query performance statistics for a website's SEO analysis.
Developer conducting SEO audit using code editor on a computer monitor, with JavaScript visible, reflecting technical SEO analysis.

What Do SEO Audit Service Usually Include?

Technical SEO Review: Assessing the technical health of your website to ensure optimal performance.

Content Effectiveness Analysis: Evaluating the relevance and impact of your content in relation to your mission.

User Experience Assessment: Understanding how user-friendly your website is and how it can be improved.

Accessibility Compliance Check: Ensuring your website is accessible to all, reflecting inclusivity and social responsibility.

Competitive Benchmarking: Comparing your website’s performance with that of similar organizations.


To conduct a comprehensive SEO audit, I’ll need access to:

Your website URL: This allows us to crawl and analyze your website’s content and structure.

Google Search Console access: This provides crucial data on your website’s organic search performance, keywords, and potential technical issues.

Analytics platform access (e.g., Google Analytics): This helps us understand your website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates.

Competitor websites (optional): If you have specific competitors in mind, knowing their URLs can help us analyze their SEO strategies and identify potential opportunities for you.

Your SEO goals and priorities: Understanding your objectives (e.g., increasing organic traffic, ranking for specific keywords, improving lead generation) helps us tailor the audit to your needs.

You’ll receive a detailed report in a clear and concise format.

I prefer the report to be a Looker Studio report, but I can make it in other formats you like.

It will include an executive summary, technical analysis, on-page analysis, off-page analysis, competition analysis, actionable recommendations, resources, and additional information.

Absolutely! Implementing SEO recommendations can require further assistance.

So, I offer various follow-up support options, such as:

  • Explaining the audit findings and recommendations in detail.
  • Guidance on how to implement the recommendations.
  • Answering any questions you may have as you work through the recommendations.
  • Monitoring your progress and providing ongoing support to ensure you achieve your SEO goals.

I’m passionate about supporting purpose-driven organizations like NGOs, nonprofits, green startups, social enterprises, and museums.

To help you get started, I offer free initial SEO audits.

This includes a basic assessment of your website’s technical health, on-page optimization, and backlink profile, along with a high-level overview of key areas for improvement.

For small companies, I recommend conducting a comprehensive SEO audit at least a few times per year.

But also, you may benefit from more frequent audits if:

  • You’ve made significant changes to your website or content.
  • You’re launching a new marketing campaign.
  • You’re experiencing significant ranking or traffic fluctuations.
  • You’re an e-commerce company.

My free initial SEO audits typically take under 48 hours to complete.

However, the exact timeframe can vary depending on the size and complexity of your website.

I prioritize efficiency and transparency, so you can expect to receive your audit results within a reasonable timeframe.

No One-Size-Fits-All

Take Control of Your Website’s Growth with a Custom SEO Audit!